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Dept. of Inspections, Appeals, & Licensing

6200 Park Ave., Suite 100 Des Moines, Iowa 50321


DIAL Complaint Form: Board of Medicine

One of the most important ways the Iowa Board of Medicine protects consumers is by investigating their complaints against physicians.  This form helps the Board collect basic information to review your complaint.  For an explanation of the complaint investigation process, please visit the Board's Enforcement page of the website, at or call  515-281-5171.  Please provide the following information so that the Board can acknowledge receipt of your complaint and contact you should additional information be needed:


Complainant Information

Complainant's Name

Complainant's Full Address

Patient Information

Patient's Name

Patient's Address

Patient's Date of Birth

Physician Information

Please provide the following information about the physician(s) who is the subject of your complaint:

Physician 1 (Name)

Physician 2 Name

Physician 3 Name

Complaint Information

Questions About Complaint

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If you have records or other documentation you wish to submit with your complaint, please email those documents to

Please include your name (complainant name) as well as the physician's name on whom you've filed the complaint.