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Iowa Board of Pharmacy

6200 Park Ave., Ste. 100 Des Moines, IA 50321


Petition for Credit for Health-Related Learning

The Iowa Board of Pharmacy may, in individual cases, grant credit from Iowa continuing education (CE) requirements to pharmacists who are continuing their formal education in a health-related graduate programs. Graduate program enrollment encompassing only a portion of a renewal period will not exempt the pharmacist from the CE requirement for the full renewal period, but the requirement may be reduced commensurate with the period of enrollment.


To request credit, submit a completed petition form and any additional documentation that you wish for the Board to consider.   Petitions received at least 3 weeks in advance of a scheduled Board meeting will be placed on the agenda for consideration at that meeting.  Petitions received less than 3 weeks in advance of a scheduled Board meeting will not be placed on the agenda for consideration until the following meeting

  1. Complete and submit the below application.
  2. The application must be submitted to the Iowa Board of Pharmacy prior to expiration of your current license to practice pharmacy.  It is recommended that the application be submitted as soon as possible following enrollment in the graduate program or commencement of the pharmacy residency program.
  3. Incomplete applications will not be considered. 
  4. Attach documentation of enrollment in the program/residency that provides a description of the program/residency.

Full Name

Full Address

Address of University/College or Entity of Residency

Date of Commencement of Graduate or Residency Program

Date Picker

Anticipated Completion Date

Date Picker

Do you wish to participate in the Board meeting when this Petition will be considered?

Upload required documentation of enrollment in Graduate Program or Acceptance into Residency Program and program description

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