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Iowa Athletic Commission

6200 Park Ave., Ste. 100 Des Moines, Iowa 50321


Request to Approve Athletic Event Date

Boxing, Kickboxing, and MMA Event Info

All requests for proposed event dates must be submitted to the Iowa Athletic Commission (IAC) as far in advance as possible, but no later than 60 days prior to the proposed event date. If a request is NOT submitted within the 60 days, the request will be denied. Special circumstances may apply.

Once the IAC receives half or all of the $450 nonrefundable application fee, you will receive an email either denying your request, or approving your request and securing the requested event date.

A completed event license application is required at least seven days prior to the event date.

Promoter Contact Information

Event Information

Event Date Requested

Date Picker
(Click twice on the month and year at the top of the calendar to change the year.)

Event Details

Upload Additional Information Attachment (optional) 250 MB limit. One file only.

Click Here to Upload

Fee Submission

Boxing, Kickboxing, or MMA Events

I have submitted a non-refundable $450 permit application fee to the athletic commission ($225 can also be sent up front, but the remaining $225 must be paid seven days prior to event date).

Wrestling Events

Have you submitted your $100 application fee to the athletic commission?

Event Terms and Conditions

  • I have read Iowa Code Chapter 90A regulating the conduct of professional athletics and the Administrative Rules of the Athletic Commissioner and will conform to their requirements in all respects.
  • I understand this license authorizes me to conduct this athletic event only on the date and place specified above.
  • I understand I must file an Events Receipt Report regarding attendance and receipts with the Athletic Commission within 20 days after each event.
  • The Events Receipt Report shall be accompanied by a check payable to the Iowa Athletic Commission and a check payable to the Iowa Department of Revenue, sent to the address above.