524 4th St Des Moines, IA 50309
The Iowa Library for the Blind and Print Disabled provides services to individuals with:
Hospitals, nursing or convalescent homes, schools or other institutions serving visually or physically disabled persons may also register with the library.
Applications for LBPD service must be certified by a competent authority.
In the case of visual or physical disability, a competent authority is defined to include:
More information about the certification for individuals with reading disabilities may be found in Talking Books and Reading Disabilities, a factsheet produced by the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled.
Full Name
Date of Birth
Full Address
Additional Information
Contact Person: Person to contact if you can’t be reached or can assist with your account:
Contact Person Name
Contact Person Information
Eligibility Requirements
Certifying Authority Information
In the case of visual or physical disability, Please list below a competent authority is defined to include:
Facility Address
All books and equipment can be sent and returned through the mail free of charge. Please select below the services you would like to receive. You may check multiple services.
Equipment Policy: Playback equipment and special attachments are supplied to eligible persons on extended loan. If this equipment is not being used in conjunction with reading material provided by the Library of Congress and its cooperating libraries, it must be returned to an issuing agency. Your cooperation in returning these items in a timely manner is appreciated.
Optional Equipment
Other Services Offered
Choose one option for receiving books
Do we need to exclude books containing the following?
Preferred Language for Reading
Reading Level
Non Fiction
Are you interested in Magazines?
What format would you like to receive magazines? (select all that apply)
Descriptions of each magazine can be found on the NLS website.
Audio Magazine
Braille Magazines
I would prefer catalogs and newsletters in
Additional Topics
How did you learn about the NLS free library service (check up to 3 that apply?)
If this section doesn't apply to you click next to continue.
School Address
Teacher/TVI Information