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Iowa Board of Pharmacy

6200 Park Ave., Ste. 100 Des Moines, IA 50321



Petition for Exemption from Mandate for Electronic Transmission of Prescriptions

Pursuant to Iowa Code sections 155A.27 and 124.308, all prescriptions (including controlled and non-controlled substances) transmitted to a pharmacy must be transmitted via electronic transmission, unless exempted by Iowa Code or granted an exemption by the Board of Pharmacy. If the entirety of your prescribing or dispensing is exempted by Iowa Code, no exemption from the Board of Pharmacy is required. Before submitting a petition, please review Iowa Code section 155A.27, Board rules 657--21.8 and 21.9, and the frequently asked questions available on the Board’s website.

To request an exemption, submit a completed petition form and any additional documentation that you wish for the Board to consider. Petitions received at least 3 weeks in advance of a scheduled Board meeting will be placed on the agenda for consideration at that meeting. Petitions received less than 3 weeks in advance of a scheduled Board meeting will not be placed on the agenda for consideration until the following meeting. To request renewal of a previously approved exemption, an application shall be submitted at least 60 days prior to the expiration of the existing exemption.  

Effective January 19, 2022, a prescriber, medical group, institution or pharmacy that has been granted an exemption to the electronic prescription mandate pursuant to rule 657--21.9(124,155A) shall identify the exemption on each prescription issued and transmitted by any nonelectronic means.

After January 1, 2020, the transmission of a prescription which is not subject to an exemption by other than electronic means shall constitute a violation of Iowa Code and may subject the prescriber or pharmacy to an administrative penalty of $250 per violation, up to a maximum of $5,000 per calendar year.  Enforcement of the e-prescribing mandate will be handled by the prescriber’s professional licensing board. 

For businesses, you are responsible for maintaining a list of prescribers who would be covered by this exemption. Note that an exemption only covers those prescribers while they are working in the capacity described in the petition.


Address of entity/provider

Contact Name (if different than provider seeking exemption)

Petition Type

Expiration date of current petition

Reason previous exemption was approved under

Which schedules was your petition approved for?

Do you prescribe controlled substances?

Which schedules of controlled substances are you authorized to prescribe?

Do you prescribe non-controlled substances?

Do you currently have the capability to electronically prescribe controlled substances?

Do you currently have the capability to electronically prescribe non-controlled substances?

Do you have plans to implement electronic prescribing?

When do you expect to have electronic prescribing implemented?

Will your electronic prescribing platform have the capability to transmit prescriptions for controlled substances?

Will your electronic prescribing platform have the capability to transmit prescriptions for non-controlled substances?

What schedules you are seeking exemption for?

Do you have an anticipated date of compliance with the electronic transmission requirement?

Provide the anticipated date of compliance

Please select the category that best describes the reason for your petition

Submit portion of most recent tax return showing income and quotes from two electronic prescribing platforms

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Submit documentation showing available internet services providers, including the speed, bandwidth, and any data caps, and documentation showing the technological requirements from at least two electronic prescribing platforms

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Submit documentation showing available internet services providers, including the speed, bandwidth, and any data caps, and documentation showing the technological requirements from at least two electronic prescribing platforms

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Upload any applicable documents

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