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Nursing Quarterly Report Aftercare Provider


Quarterly Report - Aftercare Provider

Indicate which quarter this report covers:

Has progress been demonstrated toward their goals?

Does the participant actively participate in group discussion?

Does the participant give and receive feedback appropriately?

Does the participant appear motivated and ask for help?

Does the participant have insight into their condition?

Does the participant attend self-help meetings weekly?

Did the participant experience a return to use during this quarter?

Do you recommend any changes to the participant's individual and/or group requirements, including frequency of self-help meetings, need for re-evaluation, etc.? If yes, please use the space provided to explain.

Do you recommend a change in frequency of sessions? If yes, please use the provided space to explain.

Have you communicated with the participant's monitoring health care provider this quarter?

Based on your knowledge, is the participant adherent with their IPHP contract?

Would you like IPHP staff to contact you?

Your Signature:

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Today's Date

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